The telemetry equipment used by SPP Razvitie LLC is capable of performing gamma and wave resistivity logging both in real time with transmission to remote monitoring centres using WITS and WITSML protocols, and high resolution data retrieved from the instrument memory at the end of the trip, at the surface.
As an extension to the range of services provided, from 2019, our company will offer the use of a tele-system layout with a hydraulic communication channel, including the 2HNKT instrument. This instrument is designed to:
– determination of water saturated porosity of reservoirs
– identifying gas saturated intervals and lithological partitioning of the section
– calculating the cavernousness indicator curve
Gamma probe

Gamma-ray logging sensor | Scintillation detector with PFC |
Measuring range | Calibrated in API units, range 0 – 800 API |
Precision | ±3 API per 100 API (data based on the standard API conversion factor of 1.35 API counts/sec) |
Vertical sensor resolution | 152 mm |
Compensated resistivity measurement with WPR resistivity meter

Frequency | Measurement | Range | Precision |
2MHz | Phase shift | 0,1 – 4000 Om-m | ±2% (0,1 – 25 Om-m) ±0,5 mmho/m (over 50 Om-m) |
2MHz | Amplitude attenuation of the near-field receiver | 0.1 – 300 Om-m | ±2% (0,1 – 25 Om-m) ±0,5 mmho/m (over 50 Om-m) |
2MHz | Amplitude attenuation of the near-field receiver | 0.1 – 500 Om-m | ±2% (0,1 – 25 Om-m) ±1 mmho/m (over 25 Om-m) |
Dual neutron logging module

- borehole diameter 48 mm
- borehole length 1,6m
- measurement range volumetric water content 1 – 40 %
- measurement relative error limits ± [4,2 + 2,3 × (40/W-1)] %
- Does not affect the measuring point of the impedance, gamma and inclinometer
- Does not require modification of the original modules
- The software used does not require any retraining of the MWD staff
- Easily compatible with all types of layouts: with or without a gamma ray, resistivity meter
- Available in diameters from 89 to 210 mm.